Sunday 7 June 2009

Big Time or Small Fry?

This seemed to be the question on our favourite rappers lips today. Worthless came in to see today's games of skate go down. He was here rooting for big Marls...

He also dropped in copies of his new album...

Big Time is £5 to you, ask us they're available in here. Here's the FTC crew on the inlay, Chad Powers, Pig Man Dan and Mickey Worthless...

Here's some more inlay action...

Yes Brennan! He's playing this Wednesday at the Black Sheep bar in Croydon so you should try and make it down there. The man he is pictured with on that last King of Croydon photo has been known to do guest appearances as a dancer/hypeman. Product in from another local entrepreneur too. The Jake's Alley game of skate where Graham Baker stood in for Lev ended with his mention of a Kingpin business he was keen to start. Guess what?...

Here's the man behind the emporium pictured with his product...

Serious crew showed up for the games outside. Vaughan and Toddy were here...

Ben Dominguez was in the house. You may be seeing a lot more of him...

Ches was having a fine old time...

Steph finally got to play his game with Lucien. Here's Lev opening proceedings...

and some action shots. I know you like them. Lucien...

and Steph...

Rob showed me this. I like opening a bottle of happiness on the regular...

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