They all instantly found good homes, I don't have one myself. If one of these would be of interest maybe leave a comment on here and I'll get the ball rolling to order up some more. They'd be a fiver, perfect for the beach, shopping, yada yada yada and totally Caribbean at the same time. Firing on all cylinders I am now after an interesting 24 hours battling Nurovirus demons. We had a good visit today from the Pizzers...

and Pin and Victoria who weren't caught on camera. Jacob had fun building towers with some wheels and is now probably having a fine old time at London zoo - lucky! Remember, any takers on the tote bags leave a comment and I'll get a bunch done. See you next week
Thank you for my bag, its the best present ever!
Totally going to use it every day.
Thanks Jake.
I can blog about this too, if you want?
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