Saturday 23 February 2008

Hattie Hatstand

One night I was in garlic and shots with Henry Kingsford after work. A woman came over to us and introduced herself as Hattie hatstand. She told us that juggling was a similar discipline to skateboarding. She was completely insane. Later on she put the moves on Henry , he was having none of it, I'd go as far as to say he was terrified. We later saw her leaving hand in hand with not one but two gnarly biker guys, like that scene in the office where Gareth is on the back of the bike leaving the bar to be terrorised.
Why am I telling you this? We have a new hat display in the shop and it made me think of Ms Hatstand. Here are some pictures of it, come in and check it out as well as other new fixtures in the shop. Martin Lau built this for us. All these Huf hats are available in store only

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