Sunday 7 December 2008

The Breakfast Club

Rob and I enrolled for the first sitting this morning. There was no Mr Vernon to report to however. We reported to this guy..

That's right Mr Pizzer. Stockwell was iced out, not in a flashy way it was covered in frozen water. The only skateable area was the run up to and from the block. We snuck in a pre work Southbank skate at Stockwell basically with the two new dads Pizzer and Seth and Fos. Yes the Breakfast Club! I had a good night out on Friday. Jensen gave his most recent painting an airing on Friday..

You'll have to take my word for there being a good turn out to see his work. Alley cam was hibernating. Jagger was there, nuff said. The painting is massive! This just happened.."can I borrow a skate tool please mate?"-customer. "Yeah sure"- Luigi. Luigi took one step to the cupboard where the skate tools live, opened it, stared inside and then asked the customer.."what was it you asked for again mite?" I think he left his brain in a Halo forum today and mite isn't a mis-spelling that is how it would sound phonetically. He is currently busying himself to make up for his absent mindedness..

Martin's dvd has been selling very well. Do you own a copy? Come and get one they're a fiver..

I have watched sections but it seems like every time I go downstairs Louis' part is on. I don't mind that because it's sick, first part I watched. I've seen the Waywards part which is really good and saw Shaun Currie's bit just now for the fiirst time, also good and edited to the best track. It'll have to get a good viewing in my homestead. Come and pick up the most recent and best selling independent video in the store while it's still here. This album has been on heavy rotation on my pod of late..

Just had a Rob lunch of Lasagne and chips. This was alright but it's usually best not to have Franks on a Sunday anyway. Last night a tip off was followed and I had the best dinner ever. See you in the week

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