Sunday 19 September 2010

"Heel kick to diaphragm"

One film I enjoyed lately got bad press from the movie critics in the field I know, their reviews put it to the back of my to watch list. As a youth I would wander around my grandmother's house with my grandfather's pipe in my mouth and a deerstalker pretending to be this guy...

It flew by and I liked it. Some dialogue in there was completely to my taste. Doctor Watson says something along the lines of "Holmes come and you must wear a suit" Holmes' reply "You wear a suit" The great lunch debate is in full flow right now. One old go to and a favourite of mine and Gareth's was this monstrosity...

I remember Gareth saying "get me the one with the most meat and nothing else" For this reason whenever the debates ugly head rises my knee jerk reaction is to suggest what has affectionately come to be known as the desert burger. It has no redeeming features-dry,no salad, no sauce simply bacon cheese and beef in a sweaty bun. I'm not getting the XL Bacon double cheeseburger today, i'm celebrating it's memory.

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