Tuesday 13 January 2009

“"If any of my competitors were drowning, I'd stick a hose in their mouth”

Ray Kroc the founder of McDonald's said that. Hopefully the competitive spirit will not be quite so heated outside as the Jake's Alley games of skate get set to blast off. I'll bring you some pictures now as proof that a far friendlier spirit of competition is at the core of this event. These images are straight lifted from top boy Sam Ashley's brand new blog space. I'll link you up in a second, hold your horses. You've seen the draw so it comes as no surprise to you that these two drew each other..

Here's a good action shot of the very first game in progress. I'm proud to be picking my nose in the foreground. See that broom?-Serious business..

Finally here's one of Lev, the host with the most..

First game will be pounding it's way into your browser on Wednesday. While I was perusing Sam's new web area I found a picture of Charlie with his creepy snake and some other stuff and felt I had to lift that too..

Check out Sam's work and play here..


Hope you're looking forward to these games in the Alley. I went on about the Beastie Boys a fair bit during my recent illness. Tim kindly sent me this image. Here's a history piece for you. Fifteen years ago those Beastie's were in our basement..

See you tomorrow. Game on

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