Sunday 6 April 2008

London is full of.... a good piece of graffiti sent to me by Tamsin but it isn't suitable for younger members of the Jake's Alley readership. Went to Bay 66 after work last night which was fun for me but not the Mighty Cougar...

He bust up his wrist on the midi ramp so we took a quick trip to the hospital and they fixed him with a splint, he's going to attach a hawk to it to avoid any injury being detected by the boss. He soon cheered up though when Mr May put his helmet on...

On the way back we went to a pub and I saw this fruit machine. Pat Duffy and Dom Marley would be well into it..

The last news worthy thing I have for you is this photo of Smithy on the cover of the new Swiftfooted mag courtesy of Lars..

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